10 All-Natural Pest Control Remedies for Your House
These everyday items may be used as effective insect repellent. Use these natural Pest Control Remedies to keep pests away.
Coffee Grounds
The grounds from the coffee can be used for purposes more than merely making coffee. Wherever you believe pests are entering your home from the outside, try applying your leftover coffee grounds. The fragrance of the grounds is too strong for many animals, so they’ll avoid it. Additionally, you may use coffee grinds to keep critters out of your garden.
Is your garden becoming overrun by aphids? Simply bury a banana peel close to the plant stems in the ground. This will provide the soil some nutrients in addition to keeping the pests away.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Take a small bowl and add a little apple cider vinegar to it if your kitchen is overrun by those annoying fruit flies. Put some plastic wrap over the bowl and make a few holes in it the size of a pencil lead. Fruit flies can enter the vinegar but not exit it as they will be drawn to it. Another application for vinegar is to create a natural cleaning solution.
Observing ants? Everywhere you see ants, scatter little mounds of cornmeal. Though they are unable to digest it, ants like eating the cornmeal and will carry it back to their nest. It’s a non-toxic remedy, although it can take a few days to work.
White Vineger
Because they leave trails, ants in a colony facilitate the movement of other ants toward food sources. Mix 1/4 cup white vinegar, 2 cups water, and 10 drops peppermint or eucalyptus oil to make a solution that will wash away the trail. Certain oils have additional uses in fighting smells and cleaning furnishings.
Fresh Herbs
Do mosquitoes make your backyard barbecue go out? For mosquito protection, scatter some fresh sage or rosemary over the embers.
Essential Mineral Oils
Create a DIY dust mite repellant spray by combining essential oils. Fill a spray bottle with equal parts water and oil of eucalyptus, lavender, clove, or peppermint. Mist linens and furnishings with it, then let the spray dry naturally.
One of the greatest plants for patios is sweet basil, which is fantastic in recipes as well as to ward off insects. All you need to do is plant a pot of sweet basil near a regularly used door in a sunny position.
The Onion
It may sound like an old wives’ tale, yet it is effective. Chopped onions should be tossed in a dish of water to keep spiders away. Spiders will keep away if you place the bowl where they enter your home.
Put few packets of cloves or sprinkle some clove oil in regions of your house that are badly infected if ladybugs are taking over. Strong odors bother ladybugs, so they will immediately flee. The cloves should then be swept or vacuumed.
We hope that you have enjoyed this article containing useful all natural pest control remedies. Click here to read more informative articles like this or to book your next cleaning service.